About Us

Hello, nice to meet you!

My name is Miss Aebli (pronounced ay-blee) and I am so excited to be teaching Kindergarten again this year! I am a 2nd year teacher with the Calgary Board of Education. Last year, I shared a Grade 3 class with another teacher here at Bridlewood School, and taught in the mornings. I also had a Kindergarten class in the afternoons at Evergreen School. I completed my education at the University of Calgary, with a specialization in Early Childhood Education, and spent a lot of time in Kindergarten then as well. 

My teaching philosophy involves inquiry-based learning, with the inclusion of hands on, collaborative projects, and real world examples. I LOVE bringing nature into the classroom, and enjoy being outside as much as possible. We will likely spend a lot of time at the Bridlewood Pond this year!

I believe that I will best understand my students and their growing needs by establishing positive and meaningful relationships with them, and I make this a huge priority in my day to day interactions.

If you have older children, you may have heard my name before. I am the daughter of MRS. Aebli, who is also a teacher here at Bridlewood School - how cool is that! Mrs. Aebli teaches Grade 1 now, but has spent many years in Kindergarten.

I can't wait to explore, learn, and grow with your children!

- Miss Aebli


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