Thursday, September 5th

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Here is where you will find important information/notable dates as well as learning updates on what we get up to throughout the week.

Today was our first full morning/afternoon! We can already see that so many of our students are settled and ready to learn. We can see friendships being made and we are excited to get to know each other more!

Today we read the story "Mae's First Day of School". Ask your child what it was about.  How did Mae feel about going to school for the first time? What did she do? Then, students shared what they wish to learn about this year, and drew pictures in their new visual journals.

Next, we learned about the black, blue, green, and yellow bins in our classroom. Ask your child what goes in these bins. A reminder that students have a short 15 minute snack break each day, so only 2-3 small snacks is necessary. 

Lastly, students had some time to explore the centres that we have in our space. Ask your child where they went today and where they hope to visit tomorrow!


Tomorrow is an AM Friday. Friday hours are 8:15 - 11:45.


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