Tuesday September 17th

Today, ALL classes got to go to the Learning Commons for the first time! We met Mrs. Johner and she told us the rules for taking out a book. She was kind enough to put books out on all the tables that were age appropriate for Kindergarten, and students got to circulate and look for the one special book that caught their eye! Next, students learned how to check out their book and had some time to look through them. 

Parents, these books will be coming home in your child's backpack. They are for you to read and enjoy with your child at home. Students can bring back their book at any time if they are done with it, and return it in their classroom book bin, but they can ONLY take out a new book to take home on our library day, which is TUESDAY. Please help make sure these books are taken care of when at home. Thank you!

We practiced cutting today! After talking about scissor safety, each student got 3 slips of paper, each with a line of various difficulty (straight, wavy, zig-zag) . Students were asked to cut along the lines to practice their scissor skills. They did a great job!

Miss Aebli's group had centre time today. We opened two new centres - yay! Ask your child what they were! Miss Schafer's AM group went to music and gym. Has your child shown you their new dance moves yet?

Miss Schafer's PM group had music!

REMINDER: Our Open House is Thursday from 4:30 to 6pm! We can't wait to meet you! ☺

Learning to sort! Isn't math fun?

Sensory play combined with counting!


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