Monday, October 28th

Happy Mindful Monday! We hope you had a great weekend. 

Today we talked about the letter 'K' from our "ABC: Mindful Me" book. We learned that K stands for 'kindness'. We read "How Full is Your Bucket?" and learned that we all carry an imaginary bucket with us wherever we go. When we are kind to others, or others are kind to us, this adds a drop to our bucket, and we feel happy. The fuller our bucket is, the better we feel. When someone does something unkind to us, or we are unkind to others, our buckets tip, and drops spill out. A person with an empty bucket is probably feeling sad or mad on the inside.

We also learned that we can sometimes tell how a person is feeling on the inside, by looking at their facial expressions on the outside. If we see someone who looks upset, we can do something to fill their bucket. Sometimes kind things we do count for double, because they fill someone else's bucket AND our own at the same time!

After we read our book, we talked about how we can be "bucket-fillers". Some ideas shared for how to fill someone's bucket include:

- saying "I Love You"
- inviting someone to your birthday party
- sharing toys
- surprising someone on their birthday
- asking someone to play with you
- giving a hug
- inviting a friend to go to the park with you
- including someone

We also know that saying kind words can help fill someone's bucket, so we decided to practice saying kind words to each other. We learned what a compliment was, and then each took turns giving a compliment to a friend in the classroom. We also practiced how to respond to a compliment, by saying "Thank You".

Next, we drew our OCTOBER self-portraits. At the end of each month, we have students draw a picture of themselves and write their name in their visual journal. This is great for tracking progress and seeing how each child's fine motor skills develop over time. We already see so much improvement in student's drawings compared to their September self-portrait, especially since learning the Mat Man Song and parts of a body!

Miss Aebli's class went to gym. We practiced throwing and catching a ball, as well as running and kicking a ball. Miss Schafer's AM group had centre time. The PM group went to gym as well with Mrs. O.


October 31st - Orange and Black Day (No Costumes)

This Friday is a Professional Development (PD) Day. There is NO school for students. 

Picture Re-Take Day: Monday, November 4th
*Please inform your child's teacher if you would like a photo-retake. 

NO SCHOOL on Monday, November 11th for Remembrance Day.


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