Monday, October 7th

Happy Mindful Monday!

Today we looked back at our "ABC: Mindful Me" book and focussed on the letter T. We learned that T stands for "thankfulness". We talked about what that means and brainstormed ideas for things we are thankful for! Some great ideas shared were:

- my sister
- flying my kite
- my mom letting me have play dates
- my family
- going swimming
- movie night with my family
- my bed
- the earth
- the sun
- when my brother plays with me
- my toys
- pizza
- hugs
- the snow
- food
- flying in an airplane

Then we read "The Grateful Book" and learned that thankful and grateful mean the same thing. We listed to more ideas of things to be grateful for.

Next we drew 3 pictures in our visual journals of things we are thankful for. Ask your child what they are thankful for!

We had another practice fire-drill today. We are learning that these drills are important for our safety and that it is important to leave the building quickly and quietly. 

Miss Schafer's AM group explored centres today! We have many new centres! Ask your child what they are. 

Miss Aebli's group went to gym. The PM group went to gym today as well. 

REMINDER: School photos were sent home Friday (PM) or today (AM). The deadline to order prints is OCTOBER 11th. 

There is no school this Friday (PD Day) or Monday (Thanksgiving). 


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