Thursday, October 31st

Today we did some math! We focused on two numbers and talked about ways to represent them. We started with zero (because it is often then forgotten number) and then showed ways to represent the number one. We showed this number in written form, as a numeral, with one object, on a dice, as a tally, and on a ten-frame. We also talked about all the ways we might see ONE in our world. We thought of so many great answers! For example:

- one sun
- one moon
- one Earth
- one dollar
- one wheel on a unicycle
- a hole-in-one
- one horn on a rhinoceros
- one candle on a cake
- one scoop of ice cream on a cone

And, we talked about how people have ONE:

- nose
- heart
- head
- brain
- mouth
- body

Miss Schafer's AM group went to gym. Miss Aebli's AM group explored centres. The PM group had music and also had some centre time. Today was the last day for most of our current centres. There will be new ones set up next week!

Since today was the last day of the month, we celebrated our students with OCTOBER birthdays at the end of the day. We sang to them, did a birthday dance, and then everyone got to have a special pop-corn treat! 


No school tomorrow!

Picture Re-Take Day is Monday, November 4th. Please email your child's teacher or let them know in person if you would like a re-take done. 


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