Wednesday, October 23rd

Today we continued with our pumpkin investigation and performed a pumpkin DISSECTION! We learned that this word is what scientists use to describe the process of opening something up to see what is on the inside, to help them learn more about it. We opened up our pumpkins and got to use some of our senses to look, smell, and even touch the inside! Some students helped to take out the pumpkin "guts" (actually called pulp) and the seeds. We kept the seeds in a separate bowl so that Miss Aebli and Schafer can roast them tonight to taste tomorrow!

Today is also "Take Me Outside Day" across Canada. This is a day to recognize that learning outdoors is just as important as learning indoors. So classes took their pumpkins outside to dissect and learn while taking in the fresh outside air! Since Miss Aebli's class went out earlier in the morning, it was still a bit chilly and our dissection had to be finished inside. 

Miss Aebli's class went to music and gym. Miss Schafer's AM class finished their pumpkin lifecycles from yesterday and then had time to explore centres. The PM group also finished their work and then had gym!


The Halloween Family Dance is tomorrow from 5:30 - 7:30.

This Friday is a PM Friday.


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