Wednesday, October 30th

Happy Wednesday!

Today we worked together to develop a "Colouring Rubric". We learned that a rubric can help us to think of things we might want to add to our drawings, to make them EVEN better!

We read the book "Scribble" and then talked about the important things we want our drawings to have. We talked about colouring in the lines, using colours that are realistic and make sense, filling in all the white spaces, and adding detail. Our hope is that with time, students will be able to use this rubric as a guide to independently identify areas where their work can improve to be EVEN better! ☺

Miss Aebli's group went to music and then gym with Mrs. O this morning. Miss Schafer's AM group explored centres. The PM group also had gym and some time to explore our centres. 


Tomorrow is ORANGE AND BLACK DAY. Please come to school dressed in these colours if you wish. No costumes tomorrow please. 

There is no school on Friday November 1st. 

Picture Re-Takes are Monday November 4th. 


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