Monday, November 18th

Happy Mindful Monday!

Today we read "The Feelings Book" by Todd Parr and then watched a video about feelings and emotions. We started learning about "The Zones of Regulation". Talking about these zones and what they look like/feel like will help students to "gain skills in consciously regulating their actions, which in turn leads to increased control and problem solving". We briefly talked about the yellow, blue, and red zones, and then focused on the green zone for today.

Image result for the feelings book

Related image

We also watched a video showing us what the green zone looks like. The green zone is where we want to be at ALL times! When we find ourselves not in the green zone, we need to do something to bring ourselves back to that place (talk to an adult, take a walk, have a drink, sit in a quiet place until you are ready, deep breaths, ask for help, etc).

Ask your child what they know about the green zone. Hint: to be in the green zone is to be calm, ready to learn, happy, listening, feeling good, etc.

Next students drew a visual and wrote some words to help them remember what the green zone looks like. We will learn more about the yellow, blue, and red zones at another time.

Miss Aebli's AM class went to gym this morning and played a tag and counting game. Miss Schafer's AM group had centre time. The PM group also had gym today.


There is no school this Friday November 22nd for a PD Day.


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