Thursday, November 14th

Today students put their PREDICTION skills to the test! See if your child can remember what this word means.

We read the story, "A Little Bit Brave" (see if your child can remember what BRAVE means) but then stopped reading before the ending! Students had to keep their ideas to themselves, and predict how it would end. They drew their ideas in their visual journals and we scribed their thinking. Once all students had made their guess, we finished the story to see what really happened. Some students guessed it exactly right, and some were very close to getting it right! For those students who had a different idea, we talked about how great it was to see their creative answers and how in a way, they were like authors who wrote a different ending. We learned that it is ok to be wrong when making a prediction. Ask your child what this fun story was all about!

Image result for a little bit brave story

Image result for a little bit brave story
This is where we STOPPED the story...ask your child what happened next!

Check out some of our MANY great predictions below!

Miss Schafer's AM class went to gym after snack while Miss Aebli's group had centre time. The PM group also got to explore centres and then went to music. 


Tomorrow is a PM day!


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