Tuesday, December 3rd

Today all classes had the opportunity to visit the Learning Commons and browse the Scholastic Book Fair that we currently have set up. We went with our Grade 2/3 buddies and they helped us to write down some books that caught our eye onto our "wishlist". The Book Fair will be open to families during Parent Teacher Interviews on Thursday/Friday this week. Please note, on the wishlist that your child brought home, there is a ballot that you can fill out to enter to win $25 worth of books for you AND $25 worth of books for your child's teacher to use in the classroom! Send this in your child's communication bag and we will make sure they make their way into the ballot box. The draw will be held on Monday.

Next, we re-read the "Numbers" book and brainstormed where we see numbers in our world. Then we drew pictures to share our thinking in our visuals journals.

Miss Schafer's AM class had music and gym today. Miss Aebli's class explored centres. The PM group also explored centres. There are many new ones! Ask your child what they are, and where they spent their time today. 


Please sign up for a Parent Teacher Conference if you have not already! They are THIS week! An email went home last week with details on how to do this. Let us know if you have any questions!

There is NO SCHOOL for students Thursday, December 5th (Kindergarten ONLY) or Friday December 6th for Parent Teacher Interviews!


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