Tuesday, January 14th

Today students had the opportunity to select a new book at the Learning Commons. Our kiddos are doing really well at remembering the routine of picking a new book and "signing" it out with our librarian, Mrs. J before putting it in their Book Buddy Bag.

We worked on representing the number FOUR today. Ask your child what ways they represented this number. Where can we see 4 in the classroom? (HINT: 4 chairs at a table, 4 spots at a centre, 4 letters in the word four). What did we see 4 of in the Sesame Street video? (HINT: 4 apples on the table, 4 instruments in a band, 4 wheels on a skateboard, 4 jumps with a jumprope).

Mrs. G's AM group went to music and gym today. Miss Aebli's AM group had centre time. The PM group also had time to explore centres. Yesterday we opened up a few new centres! Ask your child what they are and if they spent any time at them. What centre do they like best right now? Why?

Making patterns!


Please send back your child's report card envelope to be used again at the end of the year. Thanks!

This Friday is an AM day.

No School - Friday January 31st (PD Day)


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