Wednesday, January 22nd

Happy Wednesday! We hope you are loving these warmer temps as much as we are!

Today we worked on representing the number FIVE! Ask your child about how we represent 5 with tally marks. How is it different from numbers 1-4? How many lines does a 5 have? Are they straight or curvy?

Miss Aebli's AM group went to music and gym with Mrs. O today. She is teaching gymnastics basics this week! Ask your child what skills they worked on today. Mrs. G's AM group had centre time and a body break. The PM group also had gym and time for centres.


This Friday is a PM day.

Miss Aebli's AM group is still looking for TWO volunteers to help with our "Scientists in Schools" workshop the morning of February 25th.

Mrs. G's AM group is still looking for TWO volunteers to help with our "Scientists in Schools" workshop the morning of February 26th. 


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