Wednesday, January 29th

Today was "Hats on For Mental Health" day at Bridlewood School. We apologize for forgetting to remind our Kinders yesterday to wear their hats today! An email did go out to families, and many students came to school already wearing toques or hats, so we still saw a number of awesome hats in Rooms 1 and 2! We had a chat about why we wear hats on this day. We talked about how hats are worn on heads, and that there is a special thing in our heads (ask your child what it is) that helps us to be healthy and happy, make good choices, and learn. We talked about how today is a day to remember to take care of what's inside our heads (our brains)! We can take care of our brains by spending time with loved ones, being active or participating in a hobby, eating healthy food, exercising, practicing kindness, and so much more!

Next we worked on the letter B! We have learned the letters F, E, D, P, and B so far. Review these letters with your child. What sound does each letter make? Can they remember how to write each letter?

Students wrote the letter B in their visual journals and then drew pictures of things that start with B after some brainstorming.

These friends noticed that their snacks started with the letter B!

Miss Aebli's class had gym this morning. Some Grade 6 students joined us to help run stations which focused on a different gymnastics skill (balancing, rolling, jumping, etc). 

Mrs. G's AM group had centre time this morning. The PM group also had gym today and practiced their gymnastics skills at the stations! Ask your child what station they liked best and what they did there.


There is NO school this Friday January 31st as it is a PD Day.

Both Mrs. G and Miss Aebli are still in need of AM volunteers for Scientists in Schools! Please email your child's teacher if you are able to join us on February 25th (Miss Aebli) or February 26th (Mrs. G). The final cost for this program ended up being $9 per student. This will be added to your My CBE account soon.

Our "I Am Unique" show & share presentations will begin next week! Please take note of your child's day to share on the calendar that was sent home. If for some reason there is a conflict or your child is unable to be at school on their scheduled day, we will accommodate and give them a different day - just let us know!


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