Thursday, February 27th

Today we used half a photo of ourselves to sketch a complete self-portrait! We had to focus on the features of our faces on the photo side and make sure to do our best to make the other half look symmetrical. Parents, you will be able to see the finished product at Student-Lead Conferences in March! ☺

We then also drew our FEBRUARY self-portraits in our visual journals, and coloured our shirts pink in honour of Pink Shirt Day that was yesterday!

Unfortunately, Mayor Nenshi was unable to make it to our school until about 10:50 this morning, and the Kindness Kickoff Assembly got pushed back, meaning that Kindergarten students were unable to attend. We will still have our own version of a "Kindness Kickoff Assembly" on Monday to make up for it, but the Mayor won't be able to be there. The Grade 4/5s will perform their kindness songs for us and we will watch a video that Grade 1 students made at this time. 


Tomorrow is an AM day!

Please see your MyCBE account to pay the $9 Scientists in Schools fee. Thank you!


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