Tuesday, February 11th

Today we went to the Learning Commons to pick out new books!

We read another kindness story! Which story has been your child's favourite this month? What was it about?

We worked on representing the number EIGHT today! Ask your child what two numbers from a dice can be put together to make 8. Is there more than one way? Which way did they draw in their books? We know that we are working on representing numbers up to TEN. If we have done 8 so far, ask your child how many more numbers are left to learn?

Miss Aebli's class explored centres today. Mrs. G's AM group had music and gym! The PM group had centre time as well. The kiddos are loving our new Pizzeria!


Tomorrow is our Valentines Day celebration! Snacks/treats and Valentines cards are welcomed but not required. Please remember that if your child is bringing Valentines or a treat that they have enough for everyone in their class. 

Check the note that went home earlier this month to see how many students are in their your child's class, or email your child's teacher and they will let you know. 

NO SCHOOL February 13th, 14th, or 17th!


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