Tuesday, February 18th

Welcome back! We hope you had a restful long weekend, filled with lots of quality family time! ☺

Students had an opportunity to exchange their books from the Learning Commons today.

We had a discussion about stories, and learned that every story has a BEGINNING, MIDDLE, and END.

We talked about how the beginning is what happens first, the end is what happens last, and the middle is what happens in-between (usually the part where the most stuff happens). We learned that a story wouldn't be very good if it was missing any of these parts...it wouldn't make any sense!!

We also learned that books aren't the only places where we see beginning, middle, and end. We shared some of the things we might do at the beginning of our day (brush our teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast), during the middle of our day (go to school, go to daycare, get a haircut, eat lunch) and at the end of our day (eat supper, put our pajamas on, go to bed). We looked at our visual schedule to talk about what we do at the beginning, middle, and end of our mornings/afternoons in Kindergarten.

Next we read the story "Bear Snores On"! We had to pay close attention to what happens in the beginning, middle, and end. We learned about what it means to RE-TELL the events of a story (only talking about the important parts - like the setting, characters, brief summary of what happens). When we re-tell a story, we tell it in order of beginning, middle, end! After we listened to the story, we drew pictures to represent what happened in the beginning, middle, and end (Miss Aebli's class will finish the end tomorrow).

Ask your child to re-tell "Bear Snores On" to you. Then watch it together to see if they missed any important parts, or if they were able to remember it all!

If you are reading books at home, you can practice making predictions and re-telling the events of the story each time to help develop your child's early literacy skills. 

Mrs. G's AM class had music and gym today. 

Miss Aebli's group explored centres. Miss Aebli's class met Ms. Wagner. She is an educational assistant who will be working with us for the next few weeks! ☺

Mrs. G's PM group also had time for centres.


Scientists in Schools will be running their "Winter Wonders" workshop next week! Please log on to your MyCBE account to pay the $9 fee. Thank you!

Mrs. Gross and Miss Aebli's AM classes are both still in need of a volunteer each! Please contact your child's teacher if you are able to support.

Miss Aebli - February 25th
Mrs Gross AM - February 26th


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